Friday, April 16, 2010

Solitary Confinement

If i was to make a law regarding solitary confinement, i would make it specific to what reasons a person can be placed in SC. For instance, i would make it so unless a prisoner got into a physical confrontation with a security guard, they could not get anymore then 2 years of solitary confinement with one exception. The exception is that if a prisoner was to murder another prisoner, they would get 10 years of SC. If a prisoner was to murder a security guard, i would say the prisoner gets 12 years of solitary.

One large constraint i would place on SC, is whether or not a prisoner could be put in SC for reasons involving talking back. In prison, prisoners generally have lost alot of their rights, including their right to freedom of speech. However, i feel like no matter what is said, words are just words. Words will not physically abuse anyone, and therefore prisoners should not be put in SC due to what they say.

For offenses that put a prisoner into SC for causing physical harm, where the prisoner was put in SC for up to 1 year, they should be given a court case. There needs to be evidence that says that the prisoner caused physical harm to someone.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Will Gangs break up?

Gangs are never going to cease to exist. They will always be there, as people tend to group with other people whom share similarities. However, i do believe it is possible that one day Gangs will not become as much of a threat/problem. They may even turn into activist groups....or interest groups...something with possibley quite a positive twist.

After a long time, i think drugs will be contorlled better, and so will guns. From there, people in gangs won't have a reason to be violent, and won't be able to be as violent.

This may be alot of wish full thinking, but after a long time of doing the same thing, people do get bored. Drug trading and gun smuggling will cease to exist at one point, but gangs are forever.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


The problem with the insanity defense is that i feel like it could be faked. And if it is faked, then the person being sentenced as not guilty due to insanity would get them off the hook much more easily than life in prison. If however, it is not faked, i think it is a good idea for a person whom is criminally insane to be institutionalized for a very long period of time.

Insanity is defined as a "persistant mental disorder or derangement". Seeing as insanity is persistant, that would mean it does not go away. If it does not go away, then why would it be smart to hold the criminally insane in mental institutions where they can come and go off the campuss? It would not be smart. It would be quite stupid actually. If a person is under law considered insane, they should be treated as though they will never not be insane.

Andrea Yates should not be put into a mental instituation where she can leave. No matter how good of a facility it is, one never truly knows what could be going on in someone elses head. For all we know, Andrea is thinking of a way to kill as many children as possible. Not to mention how in my second paragraph, seeing as she is under-law considered insane, she should not be treated any less insane than her first sentence to a facility where she could not go off campuss.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Law Stuff

As I think of ideas about how to fix crime, i thought of one especially interesting one...

I think each state government should sent of 4-5 work forces each consisting of 100 people. These sets of 100 people go around rebuilding impoverished neighborhood homes and community centers. This will create jobs, put taxes to something that could help end crime, and make the lives of many just greater in standard. These workforces could start in the worst demographically poor parts of each state. The reason i say there should be 4-5 of these groups is so each group can work in a different part of the state.

With an idea like this, there really is no limitation that i can think of, but then again i am biased because this is my idea and naturally i wouldn't think there are limitations...

About Karly....

She is nearly in tear because she cannot figure out a name for her blog. I am secretly laughing very hard inside my head. She keeps asking people around her for help, but she is not getting the help she need, which is quite hysterical.
