Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Law Stuff

As I think of ideas about how to fix crime, i thought of one especially interesting one...

I think each state government should sent of 4-5 work forces each consisting of 100 people. These sets of 100 people go around rebuilding impoverished neighborhood homes and community centers. This will create jobs, put taxes to something that could help end crime, and make the lives of many just greater in standard. These workforces could start in the worst demographically poor parts of each state. The reason i say there should be 4-5 of these groups is so each group can work in a different part of the state.

With an idea like this, there really is no limitation that i can think of, but then again i am biased because this is my idea and naturally i wouldn't think there are limitations...


  1. good idea! more jobs will put more people to work which will decrese poverty and then resulting in a decrease of criminal activity.
