Friday, April 16, 2010

Solitary Confinement

If i was to make a law regarding solitary confinement, i would make it specific to what reasons a person can be placed in SC. For instance, i would make it so unless a prisoner got into a physical confrontation with a security guard, they could not get anymore then 2 years of solitary confinement with one exception. The exception is that if a prisoner was to murder another prisoner, they would get 10 years of SC. If a prisoner was to murder a security guard, i would say the prisoner gets 12 years of solitary.

One large constraint i would place on SC, is whether or not a prisoner could be put in SC for reasons involving talking back. In prison, prisoners generally have lost alot of their rights, including their right to freedom of speech. However, i feel like no matter what is said, words are just words. Words will not physically abuse anyone, and therefore prisoners should not be put in SC due to what they say.

For offenses that put a prisoner into SC for causing physical harm, where the prisoner was put in SC for up to 1 year, they should be given a court case. There needs to be evidence that says that the prisoner caused physical harm to someone.

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